The interest for us - besides the usefulness of the statement itself -
is that the proof is a beautiful interplay of algebraic and discrete
geometry. Let us give a toy example to see where this connection is
coming from: by Hironaka we can assume that is smooth and that
a simple
normal crossings divisor. In this situation the map
very locally around
(meaning formal analytically or étale
locally) like this
Here, a simplex is unimodular if its vertices form an affine basis of
the lattice
In order to guarantee that
is projective in Theorem 1
we require, in addition, that the simplices in our triangulation
be the domains of linearity of a convex function on
One problem is that the general situation looks only very locally
around a given point as above. This forces us to work with toroidal embeddings instead of toric varieties. A toroidal
embedding is an open immersion
is a normal variety
is non-singular and this embedding looks very locally around
each point of
(i.e., formal analytically or étale locally) like a
torus embedding. There are much more varieties
which have the
structure of a toroidal embedding than toric varieties, e.g. take a
simple normal crossings divisor
on any non-singular variety
defines a toroidal
embedding. 1Therefore there is no hope to classify all these in terms of discrete
geometry. But given a fixed toroidal embedding
one can
classify all (allowable) toroidal embeddings
which are
birational over
in terms of decompositions of certain
polyhedral complexes with integral structure. This is exactly what we
need for Theorem 1.
In the seminar we will first discuss the basics of toric varieties, i.e., their connection with semigroups and fans of rational convex polyhedral cones with the final goal to find an interpretation of canonical resolutions of singularities of a toric variety in terms of certain subdivisions of the fans. Then we will introduce the notion of toroidal embeddings and see how birational maps to a fixed such embedding can be described in terms of subdivisions of fans. Then we will see how Theorem 1 is reduced to Theorem 2. Finally we will discuss the proof of Theorem 2 in purely polyhedral terms.
In the seminar we will mainly follow [CLS11] for the toric crash course, [KKMSD73] for the reduction of Theorem 1 to Theorem 2 and [HPPS14] for Theorem 2. Notice that some of the terms used have different names in the different sources, for example:
Here is a detailed list with the content of each talk. If not said different, all numbers and paragraphs refer to [KKMSD73]. Since the terminology in [KKMSD73] is a little bit out dated and the proofs and explanations are also a bit short, from time to time you might want to use - at least for the toric part- also some alternative literature such as: [CLS11], [Ful93], see also the overview article [Cox].
Christian Haase 2015-04-16