HASE -- Examples
Example files to test and play with HASE can be found below:
- A python script that creates the input files to check the IDP for the n^th linear ordering polytope can be found
here .
Frobenius for a=3 and b=5.
toricvar for an example of a semigroup arising in a toric variety.
CDEM for d=3 .
CDEM for d=4 .
CDEM for d=5 .
Input file to compute the Markov basis for the binary 3 x 3 grid, see Johannes Rauh and Seth Sullivant. Lifting Markov bases and higher codimension toric fiber products. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 74:276-307,
-also check out
K31codz from the computation of the Markov basis of the binary complete bipartite graph K_{3 , N}.
If you have any interesting examples you would like to share with us,
please let us know !