Details: The content and notation should cover [CLS11, 1.2]. Start with [CLS11, Def. 1.1.3], but then stick to the normal case. Explain the different terms (e.g. open subset, multiplication, etc.) in terms of graded commutative algebra.
First introduce lattices, their dual and the associated vector space.
Introduce the notion of (pointed) rational convex polyhedral cones, define their dual,
faces and interior (see p. 6-7 in I, §1). Do simple examples as
and take for
the positive
orthant. Take the associated semigroup and the semigroup algebra. Show that it
is a subalgebra of
. Explain finite
generation of
(Hilbert basis, toric ideal, [CLS11, Prop
1.2.17]). Try to emphasize the commutative algebra side. Also do the
orbit-face correspondence [KKMSD73, Theorem 2], but in the notation of
[CLS11, Thm. 3.2.6]. Decompose
and a CQS.
Do the examples [Cox, Ex. 1.1- 1.4] (and more examples if time permits).
Christian Haase 2015-04-16