Aim of the talk: Generalize the previous talk by dropping the normality requirement. What does this imply for the cone?
Repeat an example of a normal affine variety from a cone and then remove points
from the semigroup such that the semigroup property is preserved. Do an example
where the resulting semigroup becomes infinitely generated. This motivates the
notion of a saturated semigroup. Explain the example
motivate the notion of semigroups that generate
Give the examples [Cox, Ex 1.12, 1.13, 1.15]. State [KKMSD73, Theorem 2] (without proof). The contents should cover I,§1 Definitions 1 and 2, Proposition 1, Lemma 1 and Theorem 1 of [KKMSD73]. We want to use the notation of [CLS11] and here we need to cover 1.1, especially Thm 1.1.17.